AI predicts the end of the world in just 0.01 seconds, proof that humans have lost badly Tech – 7 hours ago

AI predicts the end of the world in just 0.01 seconds, proof that humans have lost badly Tech – 7 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Once again AI has succeeded in beating humans. This time in terms of predicting the shrinking of giant icebergs.

The artificial intelligence used by a research team from England succeeded in making predictions in just less than 0.01 seconds. Meanwhile, it takes humans several minutes to do a similar task, which means AI can be 10 thousand times faster than humans.

Last year, one of the largest icebergs, A68a, melted in the South Atlantic Ocean. Previously, the mountain more than 100 miles long and 30 miles wide had drifted from its home on the Antarctic Peninsula for five years.

Scientists monitored the passage and retreat of A68a with satellite images. However, this is not an easy task, because the color of icebergs, sea ice and clouds is white.

“In addition, the Antarctic coastline resembles icebergs in satellite images, so standard segmentation algorithms often select beaches, not just icebergs,” said lead author from the University of Leeds, Anne Braakman-Folgmann, quoted from Space, Monday (11/13/2023).

For this reason AI is deployed. The research team trained AI to recognize large icebergs with images from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellite.

The satellite is said to be able to capture the Earth’s surface clearly. Even if it is covered by clouds or lack of light.

The AI ​​system, the researchers say, can detect icebergs with 99% accuracy. The technology can also identify seven icebergs ranging in size from 54 square kilometers to 1,052 square kilometers (the size of the Swiss city of Bern to the size of Hong Kong).

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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