Attorney General Says Continuously, Minister of Communication and Information Speeds Up BTS 4G Tech Project – 3 hours ago

Attorney General Says Continuously, Minister of Communication and Information Speeds Up BTS 4G Tech Project – 3 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi expressed optimism that the Bakti Kominfo 4G BTS project could be completed by the end of this year.

He admitted that his party was working with all relevant ministries and institutions to complete the project that was involved in the corruption case.

“We continue to work hard and collaborate with all relevant ministries and institutions to complete the Bhakti Kominfo 4G BTS project no later than the end of this year,” said Budi in a statement to CNBC IndonesiaMonday (6/11/2023).

Regarding the legal process, Budi respects and fully submits to the Attorney General’s Office regarding the Bakti Kominfo BTS 4G project.

He said that the focus of Kominfo is how the people’s right to access digital connectivity can be realized, especially in the 3 T areas.

“We are optimistic that it can be resolved. We must realize people’s rights. That is our commitment,” he said.

As previously reported, Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin confirmed that the legal process currently being carried out by the Attorney General’s Office (Kejagung) would not stop the Bakti 4G BTS infrastructure development project.

He said that the Attorney General’s Office would provide assistance in the continuation of the telecommunications infrastructure project, so that it could run simultaneously and with a mechanism that did not conflict with the law.

“The construction of 4G BTS infrastructure is included in the National Strategic Project which concerns the interests of the wider community and is an effort to digital transformation for all the nation’s children,” he said in a press statement.

So far the BTS 4G case has involved 16 suspects in criminal cases of corruption and money laundering. Among the corruption suspects in the BTS project are former Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate and President Director of Bakti Anang Latif.

Of the total suspects, several have entered the prosecution stage with the threat of sentences ranging from 6 to 18 years in prison.

The construction of the 4G BTS infrastructure which was planned to be completed in 2020-2021 with a target of 4200 tower units, only 958 units were realized after initial investigations were carried out in 2022.

Therefore, the state suffered a loss of around IDR 8 trillion out of a total budget of IDR 10 trillion.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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