BRInita Program Makes It Easy for Residents to Plant on Narrow Land Entrepreneurs – 25 minutes ago

BRInita Program Makes It Easy for Residents to Plant on Narrow Land Entrepreneurs – 25 minutes ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and the Bank Rakyat Indonesia Women’s Association (IWABRI) through the BRI Cares for Farming in the City (BRInita) program provide assistance to farmers who are members of the Dasawisma Pelangi Baru group, in Kuripan Village, Banjarmasin City. This assistance takes the form of facilities, infrastructure, seeds, and urban farming or hydroponic training.

The head of the Dasawisma Pelangi Baru Mutiara group said BRI Peduli helps the community in optimizing existing land. So that it can provide benefits, both in terms of social, economic and environmental preservation.

“Thanks to assistance from BRI and IWABRI in the Banjarmasin area, thank God our village has become better, cleaner and more beautiful,” said Mutiara in a written statement, Wednesday (18/10/2023).

He emphasized that the benefits generated are not limited to making city land greener. However, the harvest can be used to meet the nutritional needs of the surrounding community.

“Thank God, the nutritional needs of the people here are met with an abundance of vegetables such as eggplant, chili peppers, mustard greens, and so on. The benefit of our people is using the land here, so there is no need to worry about going to the market,” he continued.

Mutiara said that the results from hydroponic vegetables provide benefits. Where the proceeds from vegetable sales are put into Dasawisma’s cash and managed for the purchase of seeds, nutrition and plant maintenance.

As for Diah, one of the residents admitted that now the community has felt the benefits of the success of urban farming.

“Thanks to the assistance of this urban farming ecosystem, we feel that it has been greatly helped, the vegetables produced are useful for household consumption. The gazebo facilities created can be used as a location for children’s learning activities and a place to play together. We wish BRI continued success,” he said.

Dasawisma Pelangi Baru’s success in developing urban farming also received appreciation from the Mayor of Banjarmasin, Hj. Siti Wasilah. He hopes that what he has done can inspire people in other locations.

“Hopefully what has been implemented can be imitated in other sub-districts and dasawisma. This is a form of cooperation and collaboration, how the city government provides guidance. May all be blessed,” he said.

Regarding this assistance, BRI Corporate Secretary Agustya Hendy Bernadi revealed that BRI continues to realize its commitment to social and environmental responsibility by distributing programs that can encourage the improvement of the environmental ecosystem. The BRInita program is BRI’s commitment to preserving the environment in the city center which utilizes narrow land in densely populated areas.

“This program is implemented in 18 cities in Indonesia. We hope that this assistance will continue continuously to become a positive forum for the community. Hopefully the story of the Dasawisma Pelangi Baru Group will become an inspiring story that can be imitated by other groups,” explained Hendy.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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