CNBC Insight Stuck Female Billionaire, Assets IDR 80 Billion-Eating Entrepreneur Cat Food – 15 hours ago

CNBC Insight Stuck Female Billionaire, Assets IDR 80 Billion-Eating Entrepreneur Cat Food – 15 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – If someone becomes very rich, there are many assumptions that that person will live a prosperous, prosperous life and will be able to help others. However, this assumption is not always held by rich people.

One of them is Aimee Elizabeth. He is a billionaire from the United States (US) with assets of US$ 5.3 million or Rp. 80 billion.

Instead of living a prosperous life and helping others, Aimee actually behaves in what she considers “frugal”. Even so, many people think that this attitude is not thrifty but stingy.

How could he not, who is now 52 years old, display behavior that makes ordinary people shake their heads. In presentation News Corp Australiait is known that this woman limits the maximum monthly expenditure, which is only US$ 1,000, aka only Rp. 15 million, no more.

Indeed, this figure can be said to be very reasonable. However, again, his attitude made many people confused.

In order to reduce expenses, Aimee only wants to shower every morning with warm water for exactly 22 minutes. He doesn’t want to exceed the time limit because it could change his monthly electricity bill.

Not only that, to fulfill his food needs, he is willing to eat cat food. To the TV channel TLC, Aimee said that canned cat food is cheaper than human food.

After all, nutritionists don’t forbid humans from eating cat food, so Aimee thinks it’s fine to save money. In fact, he was willing to treat his guests with cat food, so only a few people wanted to visit his house.

It didn’t stop there, even when he finished eating he didn’t want to wash the plates and other eating utensils. He just cleaned it with a towel or sponge before putting it in the drawer.

All this is done to save water costs. What’s worse, he’s so stingy that he doesn’t want to replace towels or sponges if they haven’t been so badly damaged that they’ve rotted or broken into pieces.

Photo: YouTube
Aimee Elizabeth

This attitude does not only occur at home, but also at work. Aimee, who often goes back and forth from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, 430 km, refuses to use a plane.

Even though as a billionaire he is very capable of buying plane tickets up to first class. However, in order to save money he was willing to drive the car alone for hours.

In the end, many people saw that Aimee’s attitude was not thrifty but stingy on the worst scale. Even though Aimee was aware that her attitude made people surprised and quite uncomfortable with her, she still didn’t care.

“It saves money. You don’t understand it, I don’t know how to explain it to you,” he told TLC.

Thanks to this savings method, Aimee has succeeded in reducing spending by US$ 200,000 or Rp. 3 billion every year. This number is indeed large.

However, looking at Aimee’s attitude, it seemed that it was something that was not exemplary. No wonder he is called the stingiest billionaire in the world.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]
