Learn from Nirina Zubir, here are 3 ways to protect property assets from the Mafia! My Money – 1 day ago

Learn from Nirina Zubir, here are 3 ways to protect property assets from the Mafia!  My Money – 1 day ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Artist Nirina Zubir suddenly went viral after successfully reclaiming her family’s land from the hands of the land mafia. Exactly on February 13, 2024, The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) handed over 4 land certificates belonging to Nirina’s family.

“I was told to be an MC for 3 hours without any problems, but it’s hard to express my feelings now. Basically, I want to say thank you to everyone,” said Nirina during the certificate handover at the ATR/BPN DKI Jakarta Regional Office (13/2 /2024).

As is known, the case experienced by Nirina actually involved someone closest to Nirina’s family, namely the household assistant (ART). Reportedly, the process of embezzling property assets took place in 2017.

A total of six land and building assets in the name of Nirina’s mother, Cut Indria Marzuki, have changed names with details, two land certificates and four land and building certificates. The total value is estimated at IDR 17 billion.

As reported by CNN in 2021, the action to change the name of the land certificate carried out by Nirina’s family members was assisted by three Land Deed Officials (PPAT).

Of all these assets, Nirina said that two land certificates belonging to her mother were sold to third parties. Meanwhile, four building assets were pawned by the former household member to the bank so that the fresh funds from the pawning of the assets could be used as capital for the frozen food business.

The case experienced by Nirina Zubir certainly has many financial lessons regarding ownership of property assets. From the perspective of a financial planner, this real asset can function as a utility or investment asset.

Take full control of property assets

Nirina had said that It turns out that just having a land certificate is not enough to avoid the practices of the land mafia. The owner of the property asset must physically control the land. One of the recommended methods is to install a sign containing ownership information on the land.

“Well, small things like this also need to be paid attention to, indeed for those of us who are laymen we don’t understand, we think that just having a letter is enough, but it turns out there are several things that need attention,” he said.

Keep your property asset documents carefully

Don’t let certificates or documents of ownership of property assets just change hands. Of course, you have to invest in buying a safe storage place, for example a safe and making photocopies of these letters.

Safes will also be difficult for people to steal because the material makes the item very heavy. Therefore, it can be said that the risk of loss in the safe is very small.

Also carry out regular checks on your property asset certificate. If the document is damaged, you can immediately repair it to nearest National Land Agency (BPN) office.

Don’t hesitate to report if you are stuck

Become a victim like Nirina Zubir? Don’t be afraid to report it to the authorities! But of course, you also have to collect proof of your ownership of these assets.

After complete evidence and a chronology have been created, you can report this to the nearest police station.

There are several criminal offenses in the Criminal Code (KUHP) that you can use as a basis for land crime convictions.

– Article 167, “entering the house or yard unlawfully.”

– Article 263, “making fake letters that can give rise to rights.”

– Article 266, “entering false information in an authentic deed.”

– Article 385, “unlawfully selling, exchanging or encumbering land rights”

– Article 372, “embezzling the rights of an object belonging to another person.”

– Article 378, “committing deception or a series of lies.”

– Article 55 and Article 56, “providing assistance for a crime.”

[Gambas:Video CNBC]
