Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) finally responded to the decision of the Honorary Court of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) which dismissed Anwar Usman from his position as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) for alleged violations of the code of ethics for constitutional judges. Jokowi was reluctant to comment much.
“That is the Judiciary’s area, I don’t want to comment much, once again because that is the Judiciary’s authority,” said Jokowi in Purwakarta, West Java, last Thursday as written on Sunday (12/11/2023).
Meanwhile, presidential candidate (Bacapres) Anies Baswedan respects the decision taken by the MKMK.
“We respect the decision of the Honorary Council, and the Honorary Council will definitely carry out an objective, transparent process, relying on valid data and information,” said Anies after CNBC Indonesia’s 100 Indonesian Economists Workshop at the Bank Mega Tower Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (8/ 11/2023).
Anies hopes that the decision taken by the MKMK can maintain the honor of the MK.
“The hope is that these decisions by the Honorary Council will truly maintain the honor of this very honorable court. The Constitutional Court is one of the highest courts in this Republic. If we talk about the constitution, it is already high, this is the constitutional court. Then there is the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court. So it is high. this,” he said.
Photo: CNBC Indonesia TV
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Apart from that, Anies emphasized that with the MKMK’s decision, all the pros and cons of the MK’s decision have been resolved. In the future, the Constitutional Court can maintain the dignity of its institution so that it can decide cases more wisely.
“I want to convey that perhaps this is over, it is finished, we respect the decision, and hopefully we will be able to continue to maintain the dignity of the Constitutional Court,” he concluded.
As is known, the MKMK made a decision to dismiss Chief Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman. Decree number 2/MKMK/L/11/2023 was read by the Chairman of MKMK Jimly Asshiddiqie.
The MK has appointed Judge Suhartoyo as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court replacing Anwar Usman.
“What was agreed upon from our results was that Mr. Suhartoyo would become Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court in the future. And I will continue to carry out my duties as Deputy Chairperson,” said Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Saldi Isra.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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