Not Elon Musk’s Starlink, This is Gaza’s Internet Hero Lit Tech – 7 hours ago

Not Elon Musk’s Starlink, This is Gaza’s Internet Hero Lit Tech – 7 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Internet connections and other communication services in Gaza were paralyzed several times due to air attacks from Israel.

And the one carrying out the recovery is the Palestinian company itself, namely Paltel Gorup or Palestine Telecommunications. Not because of Elon Musk via Starlink which he previously promised.

Paltel Group is the largest telecommunications company in Gaza which was founded in 1995 from joint public shares.

The Palestine-based company is engaged in providing local and international telephone services, Internet, data communications, cellular, value-added services, public telephones, and other related products and services in Palestine.

According to World Bank records, Paltel began providing fixed services in January 1997 due to the inadequate infrastructure Israel inherited.

Paltel then immediately modernized and expanded the network, while embarking on a broad plan to achieve coverage in every Palestinian home.

Within a year of operation Paltel had replaced every analog link in the network, and in 1998 completed a 140 km fiber optic cable connecting the main cities in the Gaza Strip, and a 260 km inter-city link in the Gaza Strip.

For fixed-broadband, almost all customers are served by ADSL lines delivered via Paltel infrastructure. Paltel established the Hadara subsidiary in February 2005 by purchasing three ISP companies in the Palestinian territories to manage the internet and data business.

The group is the number one employer in the private sector, with more than 3,000 employees in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, making it the largest employer after the Palestinian government.

Currently, Paltel’s telecommunications services are being tested due to the bombardment carried out by Israel in the Gaza Strip. Paltel said it experienced total disruption to all communications and internet services due to attacks from Israel.

Air bombardment has reportedly destroyed most of the infrastructure supporting telecommunications services.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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