Poor Mental Parents Make It Hard for Children to Succeed, Avoid It!

Poor Mental Parents Make It Hard for Children to Succeed, Avoid It!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Toxic relationships can not only occur within friendships or romantic circles. There are also parents who are toxic. Without realizing it, you may have also said toxic sentences that could have a negative impact on your child’s growth and development.

Expert parenting Amy Morin, through her book entitled “13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do”, reveals that one of the toxic words that you don’t realize can have a bad impact on your child is sentences that imply a poor mentality.

A poor mentality will be one of the biggest obstacles for people who want to achieve success.

Error parenting which can hinder a child’s success

According to Amy Morin, one form of parental toxicity towards children is lying to them about the family’s financial condition. One example is: “My parents will never be able to afford it.”

If a child wants something very expensive, don’t insist that the item can never be bought because of the parents’ limited finances. Instead, show your child that you can manage finances.

According to Morin, instead of saying “Mom and Dad won’t be able to buy a big house for us,” it’s better to say “Mom and Dad want to buy a big house for us someday, but they can’t now because they don’t have enough money. Mom and Dad want to develop skills at work first so you can get a raise and save money,”.

If you use the phrase smart financial management, children will indirectly grow up to understand that if they want something, they have to save and set their priorities scale.

This is one of the capital that children need in order to grow up successful in the future.

On the other hand, parents who use poor mentality sentences indirectly cause children to grow up with a victim mentality or believe that they cannot succeed.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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