RI Human Development Index 2023 Improves at Level 74.39 News – 1 hour ago

RI Human Development Index 2023 Improves at Level 74.39 News – 1 hour ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the 2023 HDI increase occurred in all dimensions, including longevity and healthy living, knowledge, and decent living standards. HDI growth in 2023 has accelerated from the previous year.

BPS Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics, Pudji Ismartini, emphasized that in 2023, the Indonesian Human Development Index value will be 74.39, compared to 72.91 in October 2022.

“All dimensions forming HDI have increased, especially decent living standards and knowledge,” said Pudji in a presentation released by BPS, Wednesday (15/11/2023).

In the dimension of longevity and healthy living, babies born in 2023 have the hope of living up to 73.93 years, an increase of 0.23 years compared to those born in the previous year. The data source for life expectancy at birth uses the results of the Long Form SP2020 (SP2020-LF).

In the knowledge dimension, Pudji explained that the expected length of schooling (HLS) for the population aged 7 years increased by 0.05 years compared to the previous year, from 13.10 to 13.15 years, while the average length of schooling (RLS) for the population aged 25 years and over increasing by 0.08 years, from 8.69 years to 8.77 years in 2023. The HLS and RLS data sources use the March Susenas results.

Furthermore, BPS noted that the dimension of decent living standards as measured by the average real expenditure per capita per year (adjusted) increased by 420 thousand rupiah (3.66 percent) compared to the previous year.

The data source for real expenditure per capita per year uses the results of the March Susenas. Pudji added that to increase HDI, the government has implemented a number of policies. First, prioritize education costs at least 20% of the APBN and APBD.

“Apart from that, the government is also encouraging increased school participation through 12 years of compulsory education,” he said.

Second, in terms of health, the government is aggressively campaigning for a healthy living movement that encourages people’s lifestyles and apart from that, the government is trying to reduce the stunting rate to meet the RPJMN target of 14% by 2024.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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