Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Minister of Environment and Forestry (MenLHK) Siti Nurbaya revealed the latest facts about air quality in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas. Monitoring results show that the air quality in Lubang Buaya is the worst.
In his presentation, air quality with the Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) is divided into 5 categories, namely:
– good category, green, range 1-50: very good air quality level, has no negative effects on humans, animals and plants
– medium category, blue color, range 51-100: air quality level is still acceptable for human, animal and plant health
– unhealthy category, yellow, range 101-200: air quality levels are detrimental to humans, animals and plants
– very unhealthy category, red, range 201-300: air quality levels can increase health risks in a number of exposed population segments
– dangerous category, black, index over 301: air quality levels can seriously harm the health of the population and need immediate treatment.
“Regarding the air quality in Jabodetabek, we report the picture, indeed the conditions are quite dangerous in Lubang Buaya for Jakarta,” said Siti during a Working Meeting with Commission IV DPR, Tuesday (14/11/2023).
Photo: Working Meeting of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya with Commission IV DPR, Tuesday (14/11/2023). (Screenshot from YouTube Commission IV DPR RI)
Working Meeting of the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, with Commission IV DPR, Tuesday (14/11/2023). (Screenshot from YouTube Commission IV DPR RI) |
“If you look at the picture, the others are still between green and blue. But in Lubang Buaya it rises to the top,” he added.
From his presentation at the meeting, the ISPU PM2.5 graph for DKI 4 Lubang Buaya Integration Station from 1 August to 8 November 2023 reached the yellow category level, even reaching the red category.
“This is a bit difficult because there is a tofu factory, a charcoal factory. There are container parking centers, old truck parking. We are handling this slowly,” said Siti.
Quoting the same presentation, the PM2.5 ISPU graph at the DKI 3 Jagakarsa Integration Station is moving in the green and blue categories, as is the monitoring at the Depok Pancoran Mas KLHK Station.
Meanwhile, monitoring at the KLHK Jakarta GBK Station was observed to be yellow even though blue was dominant.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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