Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – This November, there will be a meteor shower phenomenon that will decorate the Indonesian night sky. The peak of the Taurid-North meteor shower will occur on November 12, 2023.
This meteor shower has been happening for some time. The Bosscha Observatory’s Instagram explains that the peak of the North Taurid meteor shower occurred from 18:27 WIB until dawn on November 13.
Bosscha reminded us that the times listed use local time in Lembang, West Java. There may be time differences depending on the region.
To see it, Indonesian people can look from the direction of the Taurus constellation in the northern sky, quoted Friday (3/11/2023).
Page Space explained that this meteor shower occurs every year every November. There will be two parts, namely South Taurid and North Taurid.
The South Taurid will occur from September 28 to December 2. The peak of the South Taurid meteor shower will occur on November 4-5 2023.
Meanwhile, the Northern Taurids have started on October 13 2023. This meteor shower will also end on December 2.
However, this phenomenon is said to be much more perfect. Especially when compared to other meteor showers, for example the Perseids in August and the Geminids in December.
At its peak, not too many Taurid meteor showers are visible. Space noting there would be half a dozen shooting stars per hour at that time.
The Taurid meteor shower is usually likely to show much smaller numbers. Because Space wrote that people might not be aware of the existence of shooting stars in the sky.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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