Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Chairman of the Indonesian Civil Service Corps (Korpri) Zudan Arif Fakrulloh warned state civil servants (ASN) who still waste a lot of their time during working hours.
He said that currently ASN or Korpri members have played an optimal role and continue to fight hand in hand to provide the best public services in their respective fields to the community. However, he reminded that many people still waste their productive time.
“There are many who have done great work, but there are those who still work mediocre, and sometimes work outside the ordinary,” said Zudan at the 2023 Korpri 52nd Anniversary Seminar which was broadcast via the National Korpri Management Board’s YouTube account, Tuesday (17/10/2023).
He said that Korpri members who wasted their time often came to the office at 08.00 but went straight to the canteen, not to the office. Going to the canteen is not just for a quick breakfast, but can take up to 2 hours, and only enter the work room at 10.00.
“Come at 8 o’clock, then go to the canteen, have breakfast until 10 o’clock, after that go back to the office at 10 to half past 12, half past 12 to 1 rest at the mosque and so on,” said Zudan.
Regarding members’ behavior like that, Zudan asked them to change it immediately by focusing on productive activities according to their respective duties and functions. Because, if you leave it alone, it will seem like a waste of time.
“So, I ask you to increase productivity. Reduce things that seem like a waste of time,” said Zudan.
However, he admitted that public misperceptions sometimes also occur regarding Korpri members whose duties are in the field. For example, for ASN who work in the trade department and go to the markets to check prices during working hours.
“We have an ASN on duty at the market because he is an employee in the trade department at the regional government who is checking prices at the market in a Korpri or brown shirt, people think the civil servants are wandering around the market,” said Zudan.
To deal with this problem, Zudan suggested that Korpri members should also aggressively make releases when they go into the field. According to him, through releases distributed to various electronic media, it can provide evidence or public accountability for civil servants who work in the field during working hours.
“So if there are any slanted accusations, just ignore the news. Yesterday we were not visiting a shopping market, but were surveying prices to reduce inflation, including colleagues in the food security department at the PU (public works) department,” he stressed.
“Because they often wear uniforms when they go out into the field, people don’t know that they think civil servants are playing and wasting their time and so on,” said Zudan.
He emphasized that this is also proof of the importance of image formation or branding on the performance of each Korpri member. According to him, branding can not only be done through releases, but also through content on social media accounts such as Instagram, Facebook, and even X.
“So behind all the performance that we do, friends, we need to do ASN branding. So, what needs to be branded? Friends’ performance, friends’ products, be announced to the public as a form of our public accountability,” stressed Zudan.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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